Beta 5 is under developement. It will include symmetric key encryption.
Sun is opening Java. This means that all the software using java will be able to run in free enviroments.
This time we finally have smiles!!!
The main innovation is that Anairc will attempt to use ifconfig on GNU/Linux systems to locate the broadcast address, so users won't have to type it manually.
I've tested Anairc using the GNU gcj.
It runs but it gives some problems with layout, multiple exceptions when writing text in a
text box.
I've just added the link to the forum provided by sourceforge.
I already know that
nodoby will use it, because it requires an account to sourceforge.
I am glad they don't
require a login to download files, because this would be their death.
Well, there is the forum. If you want to post there, try to use english.
They prevent to php pages to save/modify files. This means that normal CMS, blogs, statistic
and all the stuff we all know in normal pages, can't run on their servers.
They say it is to make it
secure... of course! A text file without executing permissions is very dangerous.
There are quotas! Why aren't them enough?
I think that.. to make the webserver more SECURE they should close it at all!
I will soon begin to do my own site for this project, instead of loosing hours trying to find out
why joomla, sphpblog can't run on this server.
Of course it will be a plan web... visitors won't be
able to post comments, rate news, and i won't loose other time writing a stilish CSS
There are already CMS with
CSS. The only thing i want to do is WRITE CONTENTS